Its objective is to generate above average, stable returns which are uncorrelated with major market indices by going long and short in cash and derivative fixed income obligations issued by primarily US investment grade rated corporations.
What differentiates Etolian Capital from other similar efforts is its credit selection process which is based on an options-based quantitative methodology and relies, among other things, on information from the equity and equity option markets to assess credit. This methodology is used to identify undervalued and overvalued situations and accordingly create long and short positions in them.
Interest rate risk is hedged and moderate leverage (up to 5 times) is deployed to achieve objectives. The long/short approach, combined with the use of leverage, as well as other risk management techniques, reduces the probability of a major capital loss.
Etolian Capital offers two funds; the Etolian Capital Credit Fund, LP (a
US domestic partnership), and the Etolian Capital Offshore Credit Fund,
Ltd (a Cayman exempted company).
For more details, please view the Etolian Capital Presentation.